Canvas - Grade Posting Policies


Canvas posting grade policy settings


Canvas grade posting policies
If you use the Canvas Gradebook you can change your grade posting policy from "automatic" to "manual."

By default, Canvas sets an “automatic” grade posting policy for all courses. This means grades are automatically visible to students when they are entered. When the posting policy is changed to “manual,” grades are hidden and must be manually posted to students using the “Post grades” option in the Gradebook before they can be viewed. Hidden grades are visible to you in the course Gradebook, but students cannot see them.

Posting policies can be set for an entire course or for individual assignments. Assignment-level posting policies will override the course-level posting policy for that assignment. Posted grades can also be hidden using the Hide grades option. The Hide grades option only hides grades that are currently visible to students. In order to ensure all future assignment or quiz grades are hidden, you will need to set a manual posting policy for the course.

If you want to change your grade posting policy follow the steps below or schedule a consultation with Educational Technology.





Article ID: 9063
Wed 6/26/24 6:45 PM
Wed 7/3/24 12:30 PM