

Through PrintGreen, students are allotted 2250 print credits for the entire academic year including summer semester. The 2250 print credit is a even distribution of providing 750 credits per each semester which was how Technology Services formerly managed PrintGreen accounts. A “print” is each page side that runs through the printer, so printing a single-sided page equals one print and a double-sided page is two prints.

After students exhaust their 2250 allotment, each print will cost 10 cents.

Students can log into their PrintGreen account at to check their remaining print credits, how many prints have been used, and the environmental impact of their printing to date. Students can also add funds to their PrintGreen account as needed upon exhausting credits.

As part of this initiative, the Bookstore sells coursepacks that can be printed on demand, and the university has obtained a copyright clearance license to support this process.


Management of PrintGreen

PrintGreen is overseen by the Library Media and Information Systems (LMIS) standing committee of the Faculty Senate, endorsed by the Sustainability Advisory Committee, and managed by Technology Services.

Information and Assistance

For questions or comments, please contact the Technology Service Desk at 253.879.8585 or



Article ID: 911
Tue 10/3/23 2:25 PM
Tue 6/25/24 4:15 PM