Canvas - Using Google Assignments

Google Assignments is an external tool within Canvas Assignments that allows you to distribute, review, and grade student work with Google Workspace for Education. With Google Assignments, you can assign and collect any file type, including Google Docs and Microsoft Word files. You can also attach assignment files that will automatically distribute a personalized copy for each student. 

To use Google Assignments in Canvas

  1. Create a new Canvas Assignment
  2.  Within the Submission field, select External Tool (A) and then click Find (B).

3. From the list, click on Google Assignments (LTI 1.3), then click Select.

4. Sign in using your Puget Sound credentials.

5. Once logged in, click Link to link your account with Google Assignments.

6. Adjust your desired settings for your Assignment. You can Check for originality and/or attach template file that will create a copy for each student. You'll also be able to assign Total Points, add Due Dates, or a Rubric.  Then, click Create.

7. When you are redirected to the Configure External Tool window, click Select.

8. Please reach out to Educational Technology for more information about the transition to from Google Apps LTI to Google Assignments.



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Article ID: 9031
Wed 6/26/24 11:32 AM
Wed 6/26/24 4:57 PM