Canvas - How instructors can submit assignments on behalf of a student

How to submit an assignment on behalf of a student as an instructor

  • A "File Upload" submission type must be allowed to submit an assignment on behalf of a student. 
  • You must be a "teacher" in a course to use this feature. Course/lab assistants, TAs, and guest instructors cannot upload on behalf of others.
  • Follow the steps below to upload on behalf of a student.


  1. In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.

  2. Open Grade Detail Tray

  3. Locate the student's name and assignment. Click the Gradebook cell [1] and click the Grade Detail Tray icon [2].

4. To submit for a student, click the Submit for Student link.

5. To upload a file from your computer, drag and drop a file, or browse your computer files by clicking the Choose a file to upload link. To submit the file, click the Submit button.

6. View submission details in the Grade Detail Tray. You can also view the uploaded file uploaded in Speedgrader. Students can see the submission details when they view the assignment.

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Article ID: 9034
Wed 6/26/24 11:42 AM
Wed 6/26/24 4:44 PM