Canvas - Publish your course

You can publish your course from the Dashboard, the Course Home Page sidebar, the Course Settings sidebar, or the Course Setup Checklist.

  • You must publish a course before students can access it and its contents. Students cannot see unpublished courses and content.
  • Published courses are not accessible to students until the course start date. (The start date is usually one week before the first day of classes)
  • If your course has been published and includes grades, you cannot unpublish it. 


  • To publish from the Dashboard Locate the Unpublished Courses section in the Dashboard. Find the course you want to publish and click the Publish button.
  • To publish from the course, click Courses on the left Global Navigation panel.. Your courses will be organized by published courses and unpublished courses. To open an unpublished course, click the name of the course. The course status displays in the Course Home Page sidebar and the Course Settings sidebar. To publish your course, click the Publish button. A message will appear at the top of your screen confirming the publishing of your course.

For more information follow the screenshots below.





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Article ID: 9059
Wed 6/26/24 3:35 PM
Wed 6/26/24 4:52 PM