Canvas - Add a picture to your Canvas profile

Tags Canvas

You can add or change profile pictures in your Canvas account by:

  • Uploading a Picture from your computer
  • Taking a Picture using your computer's camera (not supported when using Safari or Internet Explorer) 

Images that are square in size work best so your picture won't be distorted. Files can be .jpg,, .png,, or .gif

  • In Global Navigation (left panel), click the Account link, then click the Settings link
  • Click the placeholder profile picture icon, then either Upload a Picture or Take a Picture
  • To upload a new profile picture, click the Upload a Picture tab, then click the choose a picture link. Find the image you want to upload and click the Open or Browse button. You can also drag a picture from your desktop and drop it into the uploader.
  • To take a picture to use as your profile picture, click the Take a Picture tab, then click the Take Picture button Depending on your browser, you may need to allow Canvas to access your camera. The Take a Picture option is not supported when using Safari or Internet Explorer.
  • Use the selection boxes to crop or resize your picture. When you are finished, click the Save button. The Profile picture you selected will show up instead of the placeholder profile picture.
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Article ID: 9062
Wed 6/26/24 3:42 PM
Thu 6/27/24 2:56 PM